
Scam Reporter maintained by Panama Legal

Bank Guarante Scam BG , Inflatable Ball Bouncer Lett of Credit Scams. and CD s – The scam here is to open a offshor bank account us a phoni financi instrument as the open bank deposit. Then thei ask the bank to advanc them sai 10% of the amount of the instrument be deposited. Only a drunken banker would ever do this. Someon sell these would be scammer the forg financi instrument and explain to them how to do the rip off. Thei ar ignor enough to bui the instrument and try it. Sometim thei actual walk into the offic of the bank and try to pass the instrument, which is a great wai for them to go to jail. These fals instrument never verify. The bank will verifi the instrument for a larg up front fee sai $5000 to $25,000. The scammer will sai ok take it out of the monei from the instrument and the bank will sai no pai up front. Gener these ar just a wast of time. The scammer will tell you believ stori about past trade that were complet but do not believ them.

Execut Summari – Here you can find a list of common scam and rip-off on the Internet. We know of these scam from the victim that call us and describ them. For more inform just call or write us.

give them no monei and wast no time on thisMedium Term Note Scam – Medium Term Note ar bank-to-bank notes. The scam involv get someon to bui into these moneymak note normal onli avail to bank and financi institutions. The scam come with up front fees. We never ever saw on person get ani monei from a medium term note program. Run away..

Iraqi Dinar Scam – You get an email from a soldier who smuggl out million of dollar of Iraqi Dinar. Never real just a scam. Up front fees. Run and do not wast ani time on this.

Inherit Scam – Thi scam is sort of plai out but still happens. You get an email about a long lost rel who left you a massiv inheritance. You never realli knew about the inheritance. Up front fees. Run awai just a scam.

not the $75,Swedish Credit Union Scam – A Swedish Credit union is a special corpor that cost mayb $1300 to form.000 thei ar sold for. These scam credit union never realli function; thei can never get correspond banks. Thei sell you the structur for ten of thousands, then the softwar etc. Forget this. If it wa true you would see them oper and you don t. Run awai and save your money.

Trad Program Scam – These scam take variou forms. One is sai exchang billion of euro for Dollars. Thi is someth a bank doe and the bank doe not need you. Scam of thi natur sound lucr but ar just a wast of your time and money. To us ani sort of a trade program is just a scam and we avoid anyth like it completely.

