
Building Self esteem activities

Even if the group,Inflatable Toys In gener the compon that need most focu for most peopl most of the time is a sens of belonging. Score of piec of research have shown that thi is the core factor to feel good about yourself. Thi mean that whatev programm of activ you ar running. or individual, know each other and you it is realli help to focu on make sure everyon know that thei bring a unique, special someth to the group and that thei would be miss if thei weren t there and will be welcom everi time thei ar there. The follow ar wai of work with other peopl that foster thi basic sens of connect and creat the etho you need as a firm foundat for ani programme.

Sens of belong and Sens of person powerWhen you ar set up activ to build self esteem in children there ar two aspect to consider. The first is the kind of etho you will be encouraging. Second is to focu in on the compon of self esteem you most want to promote. There ar three compon to self esteem. These ar Sens of self..

Soon than you begin your programm of activ stop and think for a bit about the main goal of the activities. First you need to think about the whole group. Which of the abov compon ar most import for the group as a whole? Second think about individu insid the group. Who ha particular strength and who need more support? Which compon is the most import for the person need support? Third think about the follow aspect of the cultur within the group already. How you have been work with the group for long? Do thei know you and each other reason well? Is it a new group who have never work togeth before? Bear in mind that the same kind of question ar relev even if you ar work with on individual.

