
Identity Document Scams

Not sure if thi is still allow to go on, Disney Slide Camouflag Passport - A camouflag passport is a non-offici document print in a passport type booklet. Such passport booklet could be order from printer in Asia. doubt it. The camouflag passport wa issu from a recent defunct countri like Rhodesia. So the name of the issuer sound quit real becaus at on time it was. When these first came out some offshor bank open account base on them. After thei were on the market for a while that soon stop and the peopl who us them to open the account had their fund lock down. Perhap thei were allow to show new ident documents; perhap thei were treat as crimin defraud the bank and lost their money. Not sure sinc these countri at the time had bank secrecy. We ar go back a number of year here. We ar sure that numer memo have been sent to offshor bank warn them of thi and it wa also a topic at numer due dilig seminars. Again the person fool the most by on of these camouflag passport is the buyer. Using on of these in the event of a terrorist detent in an airplane, hotel or elsewher is unwise. You would be treat as a person of interest and probabl question vigorously. If thei simpli decid you were noth more than a person who like to plai game thei would possibl lose interest in you but then again you came to their attent and becam singl out and that is never a good thing is such a scenario. Contrari to what you see on TV and in the movi seriou terrorist would be like to do what ani self respect Mexican Road Bandito doe and that is strip 100% nake the victims. Thi doe not plai out well on famili orient TV shows. Thi enabl the bad gui to find thing like ident documents, offici credentials, keys, discret weapons, money, contraband, and anyth els that might have been concealed. So thei will now find your other real passport and again you ar a person of interest to the bad guys.

so where is your real driver license. Occasion someon ask us if we would accept thi as a form of identif and the answer is of cours notInternat Driver Licens – These ar sold on the Internet. Legitim on ar issu by the recogn auto club in your countri and ar ONLY valid with the normal govern issu driver license. The legitim Internat Driver Licens is littl more than a translat document in numer languag enabl author to see that you do hold a valid driver licens from your country. It is never a permiss to drive by itself. It is never an ident document by itself sinc it wa not issu by ani govern agenc and if it is a real intern driver licens you would have had to show a real driver licens to get one..

Driv Licens – There ar replica or fals driver licens sold on the Internet. The bank ar quit capabl of know what is real and what is not real. Peopl that bui these licens ar fool themselv more than anyon else.

sai around 2002. While it is possibl to have a valid handwritten passport that is still current,Passport – A few time a year our law firm get present with a hand written passport. Most larg countri have not us hand written passport for over 35 years. Some of the less develop countri us them until the post 9/11 era. the offshor bank will never accept on as an ID document. It must be a machine-read passport. I would also sai that travel on a handwritten passport into the modern world would be difficult if not impossible. Most countri have machin readabl passport with digit photos, some even have RFID chip passport now and along you come with a handwritten passport and a pictur glu into the passport with a stamp and signatur across the bottom of the picture. I would think big problems. Get your countri to issu you a new machine-read passport with a digit photo.

