
Contested Divorce in Thailand – Ending a Marriage under Thai Law

? One of the parti Bouncy Inflatables ar affect by a physic impair to such an effect that it is not possibl to enduringli live togeth as husband and wife.

A contest divorc can be request by on of the parti for on or more of the follow reason that you will found under section 1516 of the Thai Commerci and Civil Code:

? A differ femal is award statu and is maintain as the wife of the husband and/or adulteri is commit by on spous

? One of the two parti to the marriag ha commit a crime and is found guilti or other form of misconduct.

emot and or physic injuri to the other parti or have sever affront the other parti and or on or more of thi parti family. ? One of the two parti have caus sever mental.

? One of the parti to the marriag ha forsaken hi marriag parti for a period that exce on year.

provid that the plaintiv is not guilti of ani involvement,? One of the parti to the marriag ha been sentenc to a prison term by Court and ha been in prison for longer than a 12 month period. approv or awar of the crime or misconduct of the defendant. Moreov that should the parti remain marri and live togeth the plaintiv will suffer undu harm or tribul

out of own accord doe not live togeth ani more for a period longer than 3 consecut years. ? Both parties.

and or left the mutual resid for longer than three years. In addit it is not ascertain if the person is still alive. ? One of the parti to the marriag ar believ to gone astray.

? Be defici in maintain a marriage.

? One of the parti ha been declar to be in poor mental health for more than three consecut year with no prospect of recovery.

? One of the parti ha fail to remain commit to the bond of good behavior.

? One of the parti is be diagnos with a transmiss and contagi hazard ill which is not curabl and that can result in harm to the other party.

