
Make 2010 Your Year

do yourself a JumperInflatable favor and keep your pipelin full. Continu to gener leads,In 2010. appli for jobs, network for new contacts, and stai on top of the relationship you have so that you ll have lot of thing to choos from if all goe well or someth to fall back on if it doesn t.

but I ve just lift up a veri full glass of egg nog and not my first,Cheers! You mai not be abl to see me through the comput screen. by the wai to toast you. Yes, friends, it s that time of year again, and as 2009 wind down, I d like to take a moment to wish you a happi holidai season and reflect on the year that ha passed.

becaus it mai onli just feel like yesterdai when you sat down and pledg to land a new job,Hard to believ we re at the year s end. launch a new business, or achiev some other goal you set for yourself. The question is, how did you do?

let s resolv to give even more to get what we want. Whether it s realli get seriou about your job search or life after graduat or devot more time to build your business,A we review the year we ve had and gear up for 2010. promis yourself now to make 2010 your year. Here s how:

Get the millionair mindset.

I m here to tell you those dai ar over. As it turn out,If you ve been hang your head in shame over low test score or a less-than-stellar GPA . low test score and bad grade ar great to have if you want to be a success in the Unite State today.

author of the bestselling,Sound crazy? Accord to Thoma J. Stanley. "The Millionair Mind," a "big brain" equal "no bucks." It s true: Stanlei survei over 1,300 American millionair to discov that success doesn t requir high SA T scores. In fact, the typic American millionair manag to squeak out a respect 2.92 GPA with averag SA T score between 1100 and 1190 dure school.

your lack of experience,What doe thi mean for you as you gear up for the New Year? If you ve still got an inferior complex becaus of your low test scores. your background, your so-so English skills, your age, your resum or lack thereof or the fact that you flunk accounting, resolv to let it go. Adopt the mindset of the millionair in Stanlei s study, who quit chase the prestigi job or school that everyon els wa run after. Instead, thei credit their success to "Disciplin 101 and Tenac 102" and sai that what realli work for them in the long run wa a strong optim and an abil to deflect criticism.

Put more iron in the fire.

then you ve been JumperInflatables guilti of put all your egg in on basket on more than on occasion. For instance,If you re like me. I rememb interview for a job that I wa convinc I wa go to get. So convinced, in fact, that I distinctli recal plan my outfit for my first dai of work and figur out what train I wa go to take to my futur job while I wait for the phone to ring with my offer - rather than continu to seek out other job opportun in case the "sure thing" didn t work out. P.S. It didn t.

