
Florida Lottery Winner Tries to Hide Winnings From Wife

Ramdass solv InflatableTents13 that problem by disappearing. He ha not been seen and Ms. Campbell' attornei cannot serv him with divorc papers. Ms. Campbel did sue but a Florida judg rule she wa not entitl to ani of the winnings. Recent she receiv an evict notic and is be forc from her home. Mani believ Ramdass ha fled the country. The plight of Mrs. Ramdass is not a pleasant one. Mrs. Ramdass mai want to consid bui lotteri ticket of her own. And if she is smart she will keep it to herself and not sai a word to anyone.

Florida Lotteri Winner Tri to Hide Win From Wife

salesmen,Mani big lotteri winner prefer to remain anonym to avoid be pester by relatives. and new found 'friends.' Some lotteri winner go to great length to hide their newfound wealth from others. Bui lotteri ticket can lead to great wealth but in Mr. Ramdass' case it also brought real trouble. Arnim Ramdass of Florida went in with cowork at the Miami airport and share part of a $19 million dollar lotteri jackpot. The group opt for a lump sum payment of $10.2 million and after tax Ramdass' share wa $450,000. To conceal the win from hi wife, a former beauti queen, Ramdass cut off cabl connections, internet and phone servic at hi home.

2007 thei pool $220 and hit the jackpot. Accord to Ramdass' cowork he took a leav of absenc and thei have not seen him sinc the big win. In addit Ramdass stop pai rent and other bill as well. Ramdass' wife,Ramdass and hi cowork pool their monei twice a week to purchas lotteri ticket and on June 20. Donna Campbel a runner up in the 1979 Miss Trinidad and Tobago beauti pageant becam suspicious. She said she becam suspici when her husband kept the televis turn off and disconnect the phone. Her suspicion increas when she intercept a postcard about a new hous purchase.

Stil unawar that her husband wa hide a lucr secret she Googl her husband? ¢ a??a? ¢ s name and lotteri number and found a Florida lotteri press releas name all 17 winner includ her husband. Ms. Campbel confront her husband who claim he bought the lotteri ticket for hi daughter from a previou marriage. Ramdass indic that he want to end the marriag and start over after the big lotteri win. There wa just on problem with hi plan; hi wife want half of hi winnings.

