
'Sex and the Economic Setback'? No way

she accompani Buy kids bounce house

two friend at a Thursday-afternoon show of the film in midtown Manhattan - the three had come straight from a colleg graduat ceremoni for on of themLindi Christoph feel the same way. Recent laid off from her job at a medic center..

and suddenli she smack her mom on the rear,One of the girl is also finger-painting. leav two bright-r handprint on a cream-color Valentino skirt. "Lily!" Charlott scream in fury. "Thi is vintage!"

ani mother,Let' leav asid the credulity-strain sight of a mother. make cupcak and supervis finger-paint in vintag Valentino, let alon cream Valentino.

who doesn't work but ha a live-in nanny,Becaus the scene is typic of the film in anoth way. Charlotte. is clearli not suffer a whit from the recess that' hit New York sinc the first film. Neither is Carri or Miranda - nor Samantha, unless you can blame menopaus on the recession.

the downturn is virtual nowher to be seen in Sex and the Citi 2 - not in the still crazy-expens fashions,In fact. the spaciou apartments, or the wed that open the movie, featur swans, a choru in white tie and tails, and a wed cake drip in crystals.

"Recession,A Carri might say. schmecession!"

if not critics,A nd most fans. ar saying: "Great! Becaus that' sorta what we came for."

movi ar fantasy,That' how Brayden LeBlanc see it. "Listen." said the market student in Lo Angeles. "Thi isn't a documentary. I don't want to see a recess in thi movie!"

" he says,LeBlanc sai that' even truer sinc he' had hi own econom hardship as a student live on littl money. "I'm go through my own financi issues. "so I don't need to see it on the screen. Thi is suppos to be fun."

