
'Sex and the Economic Setback'? No way

she accompani Buy kids bounce house

two friend at a Thursday-afternoon show of the film in midtown Manhattan - the three had come straight from a colleg graduat ceremoni for on of themLindi Christoph feel the same way. Recent laid off from her job at a medic center..

and suddenli she smack her mom on the rear,One of the girl is also finger-painting. leav two bright-r handprint on a cream-color Valentino skirt. "Lily!" Charlott scream in fury. "Thi is vintage!"

ani mother,Let' leav asid the credulity-strain sight of a mother. make cupcak and supervis finger-paint in vintag Valentino, let alon cream Valentino.

who doesn't work but ha a live-in nanny,Becaus the scene is typic of the film in anoth way. Charlotte. is clearli not suffer a whit from the recess that' hit New York sinc the first film. Neither is Carri or Miranda - nor Samantha, unless you can blame menopaus on the recession.

the downturn is virtual nowher to be seen in Sex and the Citi 2 - not in the still crazy-expens fashions,In fact. the spaciou apartments, or the wed that open the movie, featur swans, a choru in white tie and tails, and a wed cake drip in crystals.

"Recession,A Carri might say. schmecession!"

if not critics,A nd most fans. ar saying: "Great! Becaus that' sorta what we came for."

movi ar fantasy,That' how Brayden LeBlanc see it. "Listen." said the market student in Lo Angeles. "Thi isn't a documentary. I don't want to see a recess in thi movie!"

" he says,LeBlanc sai that' even truer sinc he' had hi own econom hardship as a student live on littl money. "I'm go through my own financi issues. "so I don't need to see it on the screen. Thi is suppos to be fun."


Happy Birthday Robert Pattinson.

Twilight fan Dalmatian Combo ar wait for thi birthdai celebratiopns.Robert Pattinson is the Heart throbe of guys.H ha million of fan all over the world.H tape Oprah show for all the fans.Let see Robert Pattinson is go to celebr hi birthdai with Kristen Stewart or not.Obvious thi will happen becaus thei both ar nice friend and co star too..so,Robert Pattinson is go to celebr hi 24th Birtday.Twilight fame and most handsum gui is go to turn in to 24 year on mai 13th.Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart ar in Calfornia.Wish Robert Pattinson Happi Birthday.

Healthy Ohlendorf makes Pirates feel better

27,Ohlendorf. Sale Medium Dinosaur Combo wa the Pirat most reliabl starter dure the second half of last season after a rocki first half in hi first year as a member of a major-leagu rotation. He wa 4-3 with a 2.83 ERA in 11 start after the All-Star break after go 7-7 with a 4.64 ERA in 18 start befor the break.

045 ticket were sold but mani less bother to pass through the turnstiles. He also knew it would be bad form to express joi just a few minut after hi Pirat lost 2-1 to the Red on Mondai night at PNC Park when just 9.

the right-hand said. But you never feel truli happi when your team loses. Let s just sai that I m happi that I feel fine physically.

Ohlendorf made just hi second start of the season and first sinc April 7 after spend a littl more than a month on the disabl list becaus of back spasms. The rusti show as he need 84 pitch just to make it through four innings. He allow on run and three hit with four walk and three strikeouts.

Ohlendorf also threw just 47 of those 84 pitch for strikes. He threw first-pitch strike to onli 11 of the 19 batter he face and ran three-bal count six times.

especi on a pitch staff with a 5.72 ERA that is the worst in the major leagues. Yet that Ohlendorf came through Mondai night s game feel good is ultim more import than the Pirat lose for the third time in their last four games. The Pirat need a healthi Ohlendorf at or near the top of the start rotation.

Pirat manag John Russel said. We ve realli miss him. He s a good major-leagu start pitcher that usual give you a chanc to win and he s also a good teammate, If we could get Ross back healthi and pitch the wai he did in the second half of last season that would be huge for us. on of the most popular gui in the clubhouse. We ve miss him.


Lost prototype may not dim excitement over new iPhone

in some cases, Inflatable Toys The compani has. gone to great length to guard inform about it product and other things. For example, it often file trademark for new product oversea befor it file them in the Unite States, where thei might be more easili found and published. In the middl of the last decade, it su blog site Think Secret, seek to block it from publish inform about unreleas products. After a multiyear legal battle, Think Secret' publish agre to shut down the site.

Apple,A it gear up to unveil what' wide expect to be a new iPhon at a confer in June. a compani famou for build buzz by keep everyth under lock and key, must be wondering: Will some of the thrill be gone?

Apple declin to comment for thi report. But as investig by law enforc and an intern Apple probe continu to try to figur out how the lost or stolen prototyp iPhon end up in the hand of tech blog Gizmodo,Stung last week by the veri public out of what' believ to be it next-gener iPhone. Apple observ and former employe were busili dissect thi latest bite of Apple lore.

'' said Gartner Research analyst Ken Dulaney. "Some peopl ar sai the whole thing wa a plant by Apple,"I don't think this'll hurt Apple on bit. but regardless of what happened, thi is noth but part of an incred intellig public relat campaign. In the end, ani new is good news.''

and there is widespread specul that a new iPhon will be unveil at thi conference,A ppl ha histor us it Worldwid Develop Confer as a launchpad for new products. It announc new iPhon at show in 2008 and 2009. which Apple said Wednesdai will start June 7 in San Francisco.

a bit of skulduggeri ha complic matters. The tech commun is still besid itself over Gizmodo' public of new featur on a lost iPhon prototype,But thi time. reportedli left in a Redwood Citi bar

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recov by someon and then sold to Gizmodobi Apple engin Grai Powell..

Won't the leak take some of the air out of the upcom show? And ar Apple' competitor pop the cork over thi embarrass breach in secur at the Cupertino tech giant?

'' Dulanei said,"A pple' competitors. "shouldn't be saliv over this. Apple fan will still be line up and spend even more of their monei on the next iPhone.''

with Boston-bas Strategi Analytics,A nd as analyst Bonni Joy. point out, a new iPhone' hardwar doe not necessarili an iPhon make.

" he said. "It' been wide expect that a new gener wa coming. And what wa left in the bar wa onli a piec of hardware. So there mai be even more excit now,"Ther will not be ani lack of excit at the show simpli becaus the prototyp is known. becaus peopl love drama. It' as if thei got a teas and now thei want to see more.''

the point be the updat wizardri fan ar expect to find insid the fourth-gener iPhone. Joi said,Expert sai the brouhaha over l'affair Gizmodo is besid the point. "A ssume the next-gener iPhon ha better process power and perhap new video features, that will realli drive the replac market. Sale could do realli well."

the incid appear to have been an egregi breach of the secreci that ha been an integr part of the corpor culture,Still. at least sinc CEO Steve Job return in the mid-1990s. Apple make a point of stress to new employe the import of keep inform about it product and oper secret.

US oil leak 'worse than thought'

The southern US Inflatable Slide state of Louisiana is seeking emergency help after reports that an oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico was five times worse than previously thought.

Rear Admiral Mary Landry of the US coast guard said on Wednesday that the leak from an underwater oil well owned by British energy company BP was dumping 5,000 barrels, or nearly 80,000 litres, of oil a day into the Gulf.

"BP has just briefed me of a new location of an additional breach in the riser of the deep underwater well," Landry said.

She said the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration came up with the new estimate - up from 1,000 barrels a day - based on that information, aerial surveys and a study of the leak's trajectory.

The oil leak began on April 20 after an explosion at the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig left 11 workers dead and led to its sinking two days later.
A massive oil slick has been created by the leak, sparking fears of an environmental disaster along the US Gulf coast, which could threaten wildlife as well as economically important fishing grounds and oyster beds.
Louisiana appeal
The slick was previously expected to reach Louisiana's shoreline sometime on Friday, but could now hit the state's coast sometime on Thursday.
Bobby Jindal, the governor of Louisiana, made an appeal to the federal government for emergency assistance to help protect its fragile coast.in depth
"Our top priority is to protect our citizens and the environment. These resources are critical to mitigating the impact  of the oil spill on our coast," Jindal said on Wednesday.

He also said he had spoken with Janet Napolitano, secretary of homeland security, to "outline the state's needs as we brace for the impact  of the oil spill on our coast".

Specifically, Louisiana is requesting additional containment booms to cover coastal areas and block the slick from impacting fisheries.

Clean-up crews have been struggling to control the slick, with a fleet of vessels dispatched earlier in the week hampered by strong winds and high seas.

On Wednesday, BP engineers working with the coast guard set fire to parts of the slick, testing a technique to burn off some of the oil and slow its spread. Burning tests were expected to resume on Thursday.

Leaking well

Neither the US coast guard nor BP offered any new information on efforts to seal off the underwater well head that has caused the massive oil slick.

Four remote-controlled robotic submarines deployed to the leak site earlier in the week have so far failed to activate a shutoff device, called a "blowout preventer", at the head of the well.

As an emergency back-up, BP engineers are also working to construct a giant dome to place over the leaking well to contain it. Collected oil could then be pumped out of the structure.

Prentice Danner, a spokesman for the US coast guard, said that option will take between two to four weeks, and is so far an untested one.

A more sustainable plan to stem the oil flow - drilling a relief well to take the pressure off the initial one - is due to commence on Thursday, but BP has said that effort could take up to three months to complete.


Great Fairy Series Books for Girls

also try the Fairi The Rock For Sale Chronicl seri by J.H. Sweet. Fairi stori appeal to young girl not onli becaus thei ar pretti and danc and sing but also becaus of an inbuilt femal connect with the earth. By nurtur a young girls' love of fairi you can not onli help them connect to the earth but also enhanc their love of read and writingIf you prefer the more tradit approach..

Littl girl love fairi and if you ar look for a wai to encourag their interest in read and write then offer a select of book base around fairi theme is a wonder start.

from the modern Tinkerbel base Disnei Fairi theme to the more tradit Cice Mari Barker Flower Fairi books. All book can be enjoi either by older reader read alon or through parent read time and ar a wonder window to both a girl' imagination,There ar a number of version of the fairi theme avail in books. love of the earth and their interest in reading.

the hero of Jame Barrie' immort 1904 plai and 1911 book. When Disnei releas the anim film Peter Pan in 1953 he would have no idea that on dai Tinkerbel would be in a movi all her own that spawn sequel and numer books,Tinkerbel wa onc a simpl side-kick to Peter Pan. toi and ornaments. The Disnei Fairi line took flight with the releas of the Tinkerbel direct to DVD movi in 2008, the first of five plan Disnei Fairi films.

Vidia,Ther ar a number of book base around Tinkerbell. Lilly, Rani and the rest of the fairies. The first and most famou wa Fairi Dust and the Quest for the Egg by Gail Carson Levine. The book and it sequel Fairi Haven and the Quest for the Wand have sold million of copi and ar recommend for older, more confid readers.

in the same vein as their Geronimo Stilton comics. Random Hous began releas a seri of smaller chapter book under the banner of Tale of Pixi Hollow. These book ar smaller and easier to read though still recommend for compet readers. Comic compani Papercutz is also releas comic interpret of the Disnei Fairies.

the Fairi Realm seri by Emili Rodda,If you ar look for similar more contemporari interpret of Fairi cultur then try the Rainbow Magic seri of book by Daisi Meadow . Nina Fairi Ballerina by Nicola Slater or the Emili Windsnap seri of Mermaid book by Liz Kessler.

the Flower Fairi seri is base on Cice Mari Barker' origin Flower Fairi illustrations,Mov awai from modern interpret of the fairi and back to a more tradit approach. stori and rhyme first publish in the earli 1920's. Cice Mari Barker wa heavili influenc by Kate Greenawai and her imag ar of beauti children-lik fairi in natur settings.

which is a veri earthy,The publish have hire contemporari author to reinterpret the tale of variou flower fairi and while the imag and stori ar a littl more old-worldi than the more recent interpret by Disnei and Co. thei offer an earthi balance. The stori all deal with event that happen entir within the flower fairi world. nature-bas setting.

Reader Space Mountain For Sale learn about the season and the plant that favour particular grow circumst and how specif chang in the environ effect other aspect of that ecosystem. But it is all veri subtl and total within the natur context of the story.

Dolls Come To Life with Ball-Jointed Dolls

other Chines compani Saturn For Sale also follow and build their own ball-joint doll creation on the intern marketDollzon wa the first Chines compani to releas an origin ball-joint sculpt in 2005 and it wa made of a qualiti polyurethan resin. In the late 2005 to earli 2006 their doll were alreadi be sold. After that..

a lot of teenag girl these dai have a thing about them. Mani ar hook on them becaus thei ar incred customiz and highly-poseable. Plus,Collect ball-joint doll is on of the fastest grow hobbi in the world today. In fact. thei ar avail in variou size and come in differ styles.

South Korea and more recently,Thei ar usual hand-mad and custom-painted. Thei ar creat with special joint that let them move with a human-lik flexibility. Thei ar now becom increasingli popular in Japan. in the Unite States.

these dolli ar veri much customizable. Their eyes,A ctually. limbs, wigs, etc can all be person by their owners. Besides, these amaz lifelik toi were larg influenc by anime.

in an antiqu doll usage,Nonetheless. ball-joint ar a common method of joint composit bodies. It make us of littl wood "balls" at joint for movement. Ball-joint doll ar also call BJDs.

these doll ar onli made of wood and other materials. And it wa onli in the late 1800 when the contemporari ball-joint doll start in Western EuropeBall-joint doll have been here in thi world for centuri now. Back in the day..

French and German doll manufactur creat the first ball-join doll in the earli 1900s. Dure that time,On the other hand. BJD still have bisqu head and strung bodi and it onli consist of a blend of pulp, sawdust, glue and other similar materials.

a German artist,In mid-1930s. Han Bellmer, produc a life-s ball-joint pubesc femal doll and he us them in take pictur and other surrealist artwork. Bellmer form the idea of art doll photographi that went on up to the present time.

a Japan-bas corpor name Volk produc the Super Dollfi line of dolls. And so,In 1999. thi wa alreadi the start of the commerci produc Asian resin ball-joint dolls. If truth be told, the origin Asian ball-joint doll were mainli influenc by the anim aesthetic.

around 2002-2003,Furthermore. variou South Korean compani alreadi start manufactur ball-joint dolls. Customhous and the Cerberu Project were among those first Korean BJD companies. And sinc then the Korean market grew and did well.

while other were slight variat of Super Dollfie,Th first Chines produc ball-joint doll were knock offs. Some were direct recasts. a Korean ball-joint doll. These knock off were just made of plaster, poor qualiti resin or polystone, a blend of resin and a filler materi like sand. Even though thei were low-priced, yet thei were not that realli durable.